Dual Scan Attendance Capture
Swipe Dual Scan provides schools with a complete solution to automated attendance. Students “scan in” at the school entrance, and Swipe sends this data to the school’s student information system. Each scanning cart supports two lanes of traffic for fast, efficient data collection.
Swipe processes 500 students per cart in less than 15 minutes! Built-in wireless networking eliminates network drops, and an optional onboard power generator removes the need for nearby power outlets. The Swipe software accepts barcodes and USB keypads so schools can use one or more methods simultaneously.
Swipe even has a FREE barcode app for cell phones so that students can scan in with their phones! Parents can also sign up to receive FREE swipe emails or text messages when their students arrive at school.
Swipe Basic
Swipe basic provides schools with a suite of capabilities that help schools improve attendance accuracy and efficiency. The Swipe basic package includes an ID card designer, tardiness processing, location scanning, and consequence management. With the ability to accept barcode, RFID Tag, or biometric finger scanner input, students scan when they arrive at school or leave early. Swipe prints passes and automatically sends the data to the school’s student information system.
SwipeK12’s identification badging software allows customized school templates and prints high-quality student/staff identification cards and temporary identification cards. Photo files are compatible with most SIS, library, and lunch systems. SwipeK12 software tracks ID’s [cards] printed and fees owed.
Temporary Identification Badge Customized Identification Badge
Tardiness Processing
Swipe Basic provides schools with an efficient method to process tardy students and print Tardy passes. Swipe even keeps track of unexcused tardy statistics right on the pass! Swipe transfers tardy data directly into your student information system, saving hours of data Input time.
Consequence Management
Schools can use Swipe to automatically assign consequences to students for attendance or other Infractions. An unlimited number of consequences can be setup and they will print when students reach the trigger point specified in each consequence.
Location Tracking
Schools can use Swipe to track the entrance and exit of students from school offices or from any location including field trips and after school programs. Swipe even calculates the total time the student spent at each location. The system can even print passes when the students leave!
Classroom Attendance Scanning
Faster attendance in the classroom means more instructional time for your teachers. Swipe’s classroom scanning capability is completely web-based, so no software needs to be installed on teacher PCs. Students scan in, and Swipe alerts teachers to class cuts and class tardies.
Scanning badges into a file that is imported at a later time (offline scanning). SwipeK12 will automatically mark student attendance and grading. Students that registered for the class but did not attend are marked as No Show. When the scanned badge information cannot be recorded in a class immediately, it is stored so that administrators or instructors can make corrections and resubmit the record. Easy Scan follows the same rules as marking attendance manually.
SwipeK12 automatically marks student attendance and grading. Students that did not attend are marked as No Show. When the scanned badge information cannot be recorded in a class immediately, it is stored so that administrators can make corrections and resubmit the record. SwipeK12 follows the same rules as marking attendance manually.
Attendance cannot be entered before the class date and start time arrive; therefore, scanned information collected before the class start date/time will be stored by SwipeK12 and resubmitted after class. If the scanned badge ID does not correspond to an existing student record, SwipeK12 retains the scanned data until the student can be entered and the scanned record is resubmitted. With Easy Scan enabled for your HLC account, every classroom activity created includes a Swipe K12 Scan Students link. That link is visible from the Edit Class page or the Class Search return.
If the scanned badge ID does not correspond to an existing student record, SwipeK12 retains the scanned data until the student can be entered and the scanned record is resubmitted. With Easy Scan enabled for your SwipeK12 account, every classroom activity created includes a Scan Students link. That link is visible from the Edit Class page or the Class Search return.
With SwipeK12 enabled, you can have:
- Faster classroom attendance — more teacher-led instructional time
- SwipeK12 has a web-based interface, meaning “no software installation required on teachers’ PC.
- Students scan in and Swipe alerts teachers to class cutting and tardies.
Student Group Scanning
Swipe allows schools to create custom groups of students and utilize the scanning software to validate membership in these groups. This functionality can verify student eligibility for off-campus lunch, testing, lunch period validation, perfect attendance rewards, school events, etc.
Visitor Basic System
Swipe’s Visitor Basic system helps schools maintain a safer workplace while also making the visitor sign-in process fast and efficient.
The system includes a drivers license scanner that captures the visitor’s name and photo. A National Sex Offender Registry screening can be processed as well. The system also allows schools to create custom alerts that are in compliance with a restraining order, individual student pickup instructions, etc.
External Scanner Option
Visitors can be screened prior to entering the school with Swipe’s external driver’s license scanner option.
Visitor Self-Service Kiosk
Visitors to your school can check themselves in with Swipe’s touch screen kiosk. Visitors simply feed their drivers license through a special scanner and their information appears on-screen. Users then select the location they are visiting and Swipe automatically sends an email to that office and prints a pass. Swipe also does a sex offender check in the background and alerts school personnel via email or text if a match is found.
Visitors feed their driver’s license through a scanner and the system automatically processes through a series of screens including their destination. Offices receive an email that their visitor has arrived.
Parent Cell Phone App
Now parents can see in real-time their student’s school arrival time! Parents can also see each tardy and absence. The Swipe Parent app even lets a parent send a message to the school!
- Reduces phone calls and emails to the school
- Provides Parents with real-time information
- Improves school-parent communication